15 Days of Economics: An Introduction to Economics

Nicky Helfgott
2 min readJun 4, 2020

By Nicky Helfgott of UCS Upper Remove

Why have I chosen Economics to study as an A-Level?

I chose economics as there has always been a great interest in the subject in my household. My brother studied it for his A-Level’s at UCS a few years ago and he said it was fascinating and enjoyable. My father also takes a great interest in the subject and encourages me to read ‘The Economist’. Furthermore, I have also taken an interest in the subject since I saw the ‘Pocket World in Figures Book 2016’ and now I hope to cement that interest in Economics by studying it next year.

I hope that by studying economics as an A-Level, my understanding of people’s decision making, markets, governments and businesses are all improved. These are all crucial topics to learn about and I would like to know about them in detail.

I look forward to studying it as I believe I will enjoy it greatly. My brother has repeatedly told me how great it is and a friend of mine who took it for GCSE has told me it’s a good subject to study as well.

New words learnt from this video:

Scarcity: The idea that we have unlimited wants but limited resources

Opportunity Cost: The loss of other alternatives when one alternative is chosen

Microeconomics: The study of individuals, businesses and markets

Macroeconomics: The study of the whole economy (factors such as trade, inflation, unemployment)

New words learnt from this video:

Perverse Incentive: An incentive that has unintended consequence that contrasts the initial plan

Recession: A recession is a business cycle contraction which occurs when there is a general decline in economic activity. Recessions generally occur when there is a widespread drop in spending.



Nicky Helfgott

Hello, welcome to my page. I am a young, budding economist who is learning the A-Level course and familiarising myself with the world of economics!